Security Event Guards

Every year we take care of of our clients Ben & Jerry’s Icecream

Keeping Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day Sweet and Safe

Every year, we proudly support Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream during their highly anticipated Free Cone Day. Our professional security guards ensure that the event runs smoothly, keeping the general public in an orderly fashion as they queue for their delicious free scoop.

Key Responsibilities:

1. Crowd Management
We manage the flow of people to ensure everyone gets their ice cream without blocking roads or jumping the line, creating a fantastic experience for all.

2. Safety and Order
Our guards maintain a safe environment, ensuring that everyone enjoys their time without any disturbances.

Why Our Guards Love This Event:

Understandably, Free Cone Day is a favorite among our guards too. Only our best are selected to work on this day, and they look forward to enjoying their free scoop of the world’s best ice cream as much as the attendees do.

Contact Us

For reliable and professional event security, contact us:

Phone: 0467 341 387
WebsiteSecurity Guard Hire
Melbourne Office: (03) 9005 7670

Ensure the success and safety of your event with our experienced and professional security guards.

Free Cone Day

Free Cone Day 2024 is over! We’ve cleaned our scoops and swept up all the cone crumbs, and now we’re busy planning next year’s festivities. Stay spooned for more info!